Wendy signs with Terri Murray Models!

During the last week of May, Wendy made it official by signing with Terri Murray Models. TMM is a modeling company based in Florida that books curve/plus models all over the United States. Continue reading for Jo’s conversation with Wendy about this opportunity.

Jo: “First, congratulations! We know how important it was for you to get signed with an agency. How does it feel?”

Wendy: “Wonderful. I am so excited about this opportunity to work with Terri and her agency. When Terri and I were talking prior to signing, I felt incredibly connected to her and like we have known each other for a long time even though we just met. So, I am really looking forward to working with her and her agency.

Jo: “You have been a freelance model. What do you see as the difference for you know in being signed vs. freelance?”

Wendy: “Being a signed model with an agency is something that you always hope for as a model. It is kind of like getting the final approval that this is an industry that you can work in and thrive in. Now, l have someone supporting me that knows the ins and outs of the industry. Where in freelance, it is challenging because you have to figure a lot out on your own along the way. It is nice to have this partnership and I really look forward to working with TMM and their clients.”

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